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Creative Programs for KIDS 2017

galleryGOMEZ, in partnership with the Hope Street Margolis Family Center, is offering a Found Sound Music Workshop, a Silkscreen/ Photography     Workshop, and a Theatre Arts Workshop for Summer 2017. 


The goal is to enrich the lives of kids and to motivate them to participate by showcasing what they have learned in an end-of-Summer performance for parents and for the community at Venice Hope Park, which is near Dignity Hospital and Hope Street Family Center.


Students will perform with instruments that they have created in their Found Sound Course and they will also stage a short play that they have rehearsed and created in their Theatre Arts Workshop. Concurrently, students’ photography and silkscreen projects will be showcased at galleryGOMEZ as a way to celebrate their work.

Donations and Fundraisers are planned to pay for these programs...


Working on a book called THE SPACE BETWEEN with images catalogued on Gomez' Instagram...


A reality show based on the characters and artists that come through galleryGOMEZ... 

And the hustle that comes with doing some good and paying the bills. ART and PHILANTHROPY ain't for Sissies.

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